Kellogg School of Management 

MBA Program Pages

The Project

Provided content analysis, analytics, and process recommendations for Kellogg School of Management website redesign.

Content Inventory

As the lead content strategy team member for SapientNitro, I performed a content inventory of current pages, producing an Excel spreadsheet with assets and analytics.

Content Audit

Audited all pages within the scope of the project, creating a content matrix with recommended edits and next-steps for new site.

U/X Collaboration

Collaborated with the SapientNitro U/X team to interview stakeholders, analyze current structure, and recommend new taxonomy and categories.

Editorial Governance

Defined governance and workflow of content creation based on stakeholder interviews and an understanding of the client’s technological capabilities.

Kellogg School of Management

The Results

Focused Content

As a result of the content inventory and audit, the website is now more relevant and informative.

Enhanced Teamwork

Through stakeholder interviews and content governance, Kellogg’s marketing team now works more efficiently with their teams to maintain and update the website

More relevant taxonomy

Stakeholder interviews, work sessions, and analysis led to better defined search and categories

Better navigation

Dramatically cut down on volume of pages so readers get to the relevant content quicker and easier. 

Content Calendar

As a part of the governance procedures, I created a new content calendar that was made available to all team members and relevant departments.

Technology Benefits

As a part of the discovery interviews, I found opportunities within their Sitecore environment to use year reminders to contact content owners for updates.